Hijacked (2012) is a low-budget action thriller that stars Randy Couture as Paul Ross, a special agent who is on the trail of a notorious terrorist known as The Rostov. When Ross boards a private jet with his ex-girlfriend Olivia (Tiffany Dupont), who is now engaged to a billionaire businessman Bruce Lieb (Craig Fairbrass), he soon realizes that the plane has been hijacked by The Rostov’s henchmen. Ross must use his skills and experience to fight back and save the passengers, while also uncovering a conspiracy that involves his own agency.
The movie is directed by Brandon Nutt, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Declan O’Brien and Scoop Wasserstein. The movie was released straight to video in 2012, and received mostly negative reviews from critics and audiences alike. The movie has a rating of 3.9 out of 10 on IMDB, and a score of 0% on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 4 reviews.
The movie suffers from a lack of originality, creativity, and logic. The plot is predictable and clichéd, with many scenes and dialogues borrowed from other better movies. The characters are one-dimensional and stereotypical, with no depth or development. The acting is mediocre at best, and wooden at worst. Randy Couture, who is a former mixed martial arts champion, does not have much charisma or presence as the lead hero. Tiffany Dupont is bland and forgettable as the love interest. Craig Fairbrass is over-the-top and hammy as the villain. Vinnie Jones, who plays one of The Rostov’s henchmen, is wasted in a small role that he dies in the first few minutes.
The movie also fails to deliver on the action front. The set design and production values are poor and unrealistic, making the plane look like a cheap hotel rather than a luxurious jet. The action scenes are poorly choreographed and edited, with shaky camera work and choppy cuts. The hand-to-hand combat scenes are the only decent part of the movie, but they are too few and far between. The movie also lacks any suspense or tension, as the outcome is obvious from the start.
The movie is not worth watching, even for fans of the genre or the actors. It is a boring and uninspired attempt at making an action thriller, that falls flat on every level. It is a hijack of your time and money, that you will regret watching.
You can watch the trailer of the movie here: Hijacked (2012) Trailer